Jan 24, 2015

Democratic Hypocrates grieve Saudi Dictator's death / riddance?

Mainstream news coverage of the Saudi Dictator's demise shows disgustingly low journalism standards. Consider this article by New York Times that mentions 2 contradictory statements without clarifying for its readers how this can be possible?
"[Abdullah] in at least two telephone calls CASTIGATED President Obama for encouraging democracy in the Middle East, saying it was dangerous."
"I always valued King Abdullah's perspective and appreciated our genuine and warm friendship” President Obama said. 
FRIENDSHIP?!  Sounds more like a sadomasochist Master/slave relationship!  Perhaps best illustrated by this spoof photo mocking Obama's deferential low bow when meeting the dictator! 

Barack Obama bows down to a brutal dictator

Civilian Uprisings or Insurgencies?

But that was not all.  NY Times conveniently skipped details of the Dictator's "SWIFT REACTION" when mentioning the civilian uprisings:
"When popular movements and insurgencies overthrew or threatened long-established Arab rulers from Tunisia to Yemen in 2011, Abdullah reacted swiftly." 
The fact that the article uses the word "INSURGENCIES" for the famed "Arab Spring" civilian protests and uprisings is shameful in itself!  "Rulers" conveniently replaces "Dictators" and "Kings" in this forgetful look back at recent history! 

Why is New York Times kissing up to the Saudi dictator?  Or is it simply following George Bush's presidential tradition? 

George Bush kissing a brutal dictator

Saudi Dictator's Legacy

Such is the disgusting legacy of the Saudi dictator that even in NY Times' "respectful" eulogy, one can find some interesting facts about this "genuine" friend of US Presidents. 

Here is a sprinkling of some facts mentioned even in this flattering article: 

  • Abdullah considered democracy "dangerous"
  • He was a war-monger, urging USA to attack Iran to "cut off the snake's head"
  • His kingdom outlaws the practice of any other religion other than Wahhabi Islam
  • His pet religious puppet cleric passed a verdict declaring street protests illegal
  • He sent tanks to crush a civillian uprising in a neighbouring country (dictatorship of Bahrain)
  • Women in his kingdom are arrested or beaten up by police for not covering up completely
  • His kingdom postponed voting rights for women

The Big Question?

What are Canadian, American and British "leaders" doing kissing Saudi ass?  Why are the champions of democracy, free speech and women's rights cozying up to brutal dictators who crush and suppress their civilians and hate democracy??


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