Nov 7, 2012

Canadians are a funny people who deserve a Harpocracy.

Now only if all the Canadians rooting for Obama like crazy could take only about HALF as much interest in their OWN elections - and VOTE, our cities wont have to suffer Rob Ford and Stephen Harper won't be auctioning away Aboriginal & environmental rights to China, without subjecting China to litigation in Canadian courts.  How many Canadian Obamaphiles know what Harper signed on Oct. 31??

Yet, everyone knows why Obama is great for USA! Oh Canada! For how long would you fight other people's wars and take more interest in your neighbours' politics than your own Harpocracy?

It is cute to see you get all excited about some Prince getting married in UK and "no change" in government in USA.  But when you snap out of your euphoria, you may want to put out some fires in your backyard.


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