Jun 26, 2012

Harpocracy: Shell wants nuclear power in Canadian tar sands while Germany goes Nuclear free

Another example of how Harpocracy allows the Canadian energy sector to act ridiculously: while post-Fukushima Germany is shutting down nuclear plants to go nuclear-free and leveraging solar energy to consume less non-renewable energy resources, meeting 50% of national demand on a weekend from solar, Shell is suggesting using nuclear power in Canada -- keep reading, it gets better -- to extract tar sands oil.  This coming from Shell with a tarnished track record of massive oil leaks in Nigeria and in the North Sea in UK waters.

Using nuclear power to extract tar sands oil which is already taxing the environment with higher emissions -- can ethical oil get any dirtier?  Is this a breakdown of sensible Economics?  Spending dirty energy to find more dirty energy?  Sounds like a vicious cycle!!

In 50 years, would the world look back at Canada's short-sighted policies scornfully? 

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